The Haiti Library Foundation is an organization committed to promoting literacy and education in Haiti.


The purpose of the Haiti Library Foundation, Inc. is to provide educational opportunities through development of library programs in Haiti. This includes:

1. Purchase of books and other educational resources for lending and use by the citizens of a community in Haiti.

The acquisition of books and educational resources began in October 2002 and continues to this date with a large quantity of books donated to the School of St. Vincent DePaul in Plaisance, Haiti. These books are currently being utilized by the students of the School of St. Vincent DePaul and the young adults that participate in vocational training at the school. Through a borrowing program, families of these students also have access to these resource materials. Not only are these books used during the school year but are also available for use during a summer reading program that was started in July 2003.

2. Pursue and obtain funding for construction of a library facility.

A group of committed people from the community of Muncie, Indiana have formed plans for construction of a library for the community of Plaisance, Haiti. A grant has been written for submission and architectural plans have been developed.

3. Expansion of library facilities.

Maintain and expand current facility to allow access to more programs and patrons.

4. Promote continuing education programs for children and adults to facilitate literacy, education, public health, women’s advancement, agriculture etc. This may include: adult literacy, health related issues of illness, prenatal classes, childbirth, parenting, information for women to form small businesses, agriculture and other areas to promote the health and well being of the citizens of Haiti.

The Haiti Library Foundation

Dear Friends & Supporters of The Haiti Library Foundation,

We would like to take a step back to reintroduce our Foundation and provide an update on current conditions in Haiti.

The Haiti Library Foundation

The Haiti Library Foundation operates community library in Plaisance, Haiti. This project began in 2002 as a box of books being delivered by Carole Clohessy to a school during a mission trip. Over the next few years, it evolved into a library in a room at St Michael’s School. In 2013, a free-standing library was constructed for the entire community. To date, our four full-time employees are charged with managing over 12,000 books, games, and musical instruments. To date, there are over 2100 active library cards in circulation. Outreach programs are also conducted at the neighboring schools. Through the use of our solar power and internet hotspot, we are able to monitor activity remotely through our cloud-based software.

Current Conditions in Haiti

There is much political unrest in certain parts of Haiti. There is an interim government, along with UN Peacekeepers attempting to regain control from the organized gangs that are currently causing havoc in the capital city of Port-a-Prince, located in the South of the Country. Fortunately for us, our library is located in the mountains in the North; away from most violence and unrest. The major impact on Plaisance is access to essential supplies. Food and fuel all come from the Capital. The gangs have caused shipments to be scarce and have driven up prices. (Gas at $8.00/gallon, if available.) Overall, we are fortunate our library continues to function on a relatively normal schedule day-in and day-out.

None of this is possible without those of you that volunteer, those that donate, those that purchase Gourmet Chocolate Apples

during the holidays, and those that compete in our Chili Cook-Off Challenge, and more.

For all of this, we are forever grateful.

Blessings to All,

Carole & Mike Clohessy

Contact Us


4210 Castleton Ct.

Muncie, IN 47304
